One year ago today, I kissed Charlotte, whispered that I loved her, and handed her off to the anesthesiologist to take her to the operating room.

One year ago today, I wasn't able to make Katherine the traditional birthday chocolate-chip pancake breakfast (good thing Missy did this for her!).
One year ago today, I wasn't able to take my daughter to preschool with her cupcakes for her classmates.
One year ago today, an amazing surgeon and his team repaired Charlotte's heart.
One year ago today, I wrestled with a huge amount of worry and mommy guilt as my youngest underwent major heart surgery, while my oldest was without her mom and dad on her 5th birthday.
One year ago today, Charlotte came out of the operating room doing well, and off the vent.

One year ago today, Missy brought Katherine and Will to the hospital for an impromptu birthday dinner in the hospital cafeteria, while their little sister was upstairs with grandparents resting after surgery.

Today, I woke Katherine up to dress for school with a rousing round of "Happy Birthday."
Today, I walked into Charlotte's room and was greeted with outstretched arms, a big smile, and a whole string of baby babble.

Today, I made the kids chocolate-chip pancakes.

Today, I watched as Katherine jumped for joy when she opened her gifts and found she got exactly what she had asked for (a "fur real dog"....most annoying little thing ever!)

Today, I dropped Katherine off at school with two dozen cupcakes topped with pink frosting and pink sprinkles.
Today, I watched Charlotte cruise, climb, stand, and crawl at PT....all while thinking about how far she has come in a year.
Today, we went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner (K's choice of course...she loves the rolls?!?). The Neuharths joined us, making for a perfect 6th birthday celebration.

Today, I watched in delight as my eldest fed my youngest bites of ice cream from her dish.

Today, my oldest daughter turned six. Happy birthday Katherine!

(holding her sister's heart balloon!)
Today, my youngest daughter celebrated a year of having a healthy heart. Happy heart-day Charlotte!

(her scar is barely visible these days...)
October 13th will always be about my girls. I look forward to many, many more.
**edited to add a video from last night's festivities (I apologize for the poor quality, it was taken with my phone).
Your daughter won't remember 20 years from now that you didn't make her pancakes, but she will be forever grateful she has her little sister :) happy birthday/ heart day
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful day for a beautiful family, happy birthday K and happy heart day C from the Warnes family.
ReplyDeleteAh, tears! Happy Heart day little Charlotte and Happy Birthday Katherine! What a lovely day!
ReplyDeleteOne of your very best blog posts Em!
ReplyDeleteJust beautiful Emily!