It is hard to believe you weren't even three when I was born, and yet you have never shown any sort of jealousy towards me.

You are so sweet to me. Often touching my cheek or hand and "sushing" me when I am upset.

Don't tell Katherine, but you are the FUN one. You can make me laugh like no other, and I get so excited when I wake up from naps and see you. Katherine likes to hug me and carry me around, but you like to play with me.

It is hard to believe that you have never gotten angry with me when I have taken your toys. In fact, you think it is pretty funny that I want to play with the same things you do.

Now that Katherine is in school, we have lots more time to spend together. I love that.

When we play, you think it is hilarious to have me crawl all over you and "wrestle." I know we aren't really wrestling, because you are always gentle with me, but it is still lots of fun (and my PT says it is good for me to climb over things!).

Thanks for being the best big brother a girl could have.

Love ya bro'.

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