Today's factoid? 80% of babies with Down syndrome are born to women under the age of 35. Most people who don't know me and find out Charlotte has DS, immediately wonder how old I am. I, like most women my age, thought I would never have to worry about Down syndrome because I was not "AMA" (advanced maternal age) when I had her; in fact Charlotte was born the day after my 30th birthday.
Why is there this misconception? Simply because the risk of having a child with Down syndrome is higher after the age of 35, however because the population of women having babies is larger in the under 35 crowd, the number of babies born with DS higher. It's all in the numbers. I love statistics, don't you?
I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday. It is a great weekend to be a Wisconsin sports fan! Enjoy the games today!

that little smile is irresistible!