Thursday, October 31, 2013

Wrapping it up.

31 posts in 31 days. 31 for 21.

Is anyone still out there (besides my mother, who informed me that she waits for these posts every night, hah!) and not bored to tears?!

By posting about the every day happenings in our lives, I hope I have illustrated how normal out life is. How at times Down syndrome does play a role, it isn't the main focus of the chaos around here.

Down syndrome awareness isn't just important during the month of October, and hopefully you will be back to see what we are up to in the months to come.

Now, for a few last pictures from the month.

Happy Halloween, y'all.


  1. Yes Emily, I have looked forward to reading your blog every night this month. You write so well and all the pictures have brought many smiles to me before heading to bed. Thank you for writing this blog and sharing with all of us.

  2. I still read every one!!!! Keep them coming:)


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