Who is Katie? While, technically she is my aunt; my mom's sister. However, the relationship we have isn't really described by the term "aunt."

She is a little bit of friend, a little bit of mother, a little bit of aunt, a little bit of sister...

It gets even more complicated when I think about what she is to my children. Great-aunt? Yeah right. Great-aunt sounds so old and removed.

To them, she is a little bit of aunt, a little bit friend, a little bit grandma, a little bit of... ??

So, to us, she is just Katie. One of the most important people in our lives.

The person who spends hours creating perfect monarch butterflies out of chocolate for the top of Katherine's birthday cupcakes. The person who searches high and low for the perfect "bride" dress for our dress-up collection.

The person who I called hysterically crying when they moved up Charlotte's open heart surgery to happen on Katherine's birthday, and was at my house in 45 minutes throwing together a make-shift birthday party (with the help of my mom and Missy of course :-)).

The person who made my wedding cake, arranged all our flowers, and decorated the reception hall. And a few years later is now the person who makes sure my kids have the best birthday parties around.

The person who told me the day after Charlotte's birth that no matter what happened, she had a feeling it was all going to be okay. I believed her; her "feelings" are usually right on. This time was no different; everything is okay.

The person who, while baking cakes with my mom and I for my little brother's wedding told us that after 25 years of living on the east coast her and Bill had decided to move back home.

Thank goodness they did. I couldn't do it without her. Everyone needs a "Katie" in their lives.
Happy birthday, we love you so much.