She had to be sedated for her ECHO; hopefully this is the last time, as she doesn't need to be seen by the heart doc until she is three (yay!), and by then she should be able to lay still for the half hour test. The sedation really hit her hard, and it took her pretty much all day to return to her normal self. After a three hour nap, she still had problems walking and moving around without falling or running into things (she looked like a drunk sailor!), so we spent the remainder of the afternoon snuggled up on the couch watching episode after episode of baby signing time and reading books.
Today we spent the afternoon at the zoo. Mike and I felt we needed to get the kids out, despite the cold temperatures (and by cold, I mean 45 degrees or so....which is normal for this time of year, but after the 80 degree temps a few weeks ago, it felt frigid), and as a bonus the zoo wasn't busy at all, making it possible for Charlotte to walk a good chunk of the afternoon. She loves her new found independence and is pretty resistant to holding our hands, but we are working on it.

Checking out the fish, her favorite!

I hope you are having a good weekend, we are hoping for warmer weather tomorrow!