All three of the kids loved the giant sand pile, visiting the animals, and learning a few new safety tips in Rover's safety truck....

(great PT work-out!)

However, the highlight of Katherine & Will's evening was when we let them each choose one ride to experience and one game to play.
They were both excited, and loved every second of the roller coaster ride.

(Charlotte was quite the excited spectator)

Then, they choose a fishing game, during which they each won an awesome blow-up toy.

However, they were brought back to reality when they asked if they could go on another ride, to which both Mike and I answered "nope, we told you just one ride."
The whining and tears started, and we quickly left the fair with a couple of very upset children. On the way home, my red-headed drama queen proclaimed the day to be the "worst day ever."

I think Charlotte disagreed.

I am starting to think that teaching my children about limitations and to be grateful for what they have is one of the toughest parenting tasks. We'll keep trying.
Coming soon...."Best Day Ever."