Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Upcoming Blood Drive....make your appointment!!

Awhile back I mentioned a blood drive being held in honor of two amazing boys--Zach and Sam. You can read their story, as well as find lots of good reasons why you should donate blood here: http://www.freewebs.com/zachnsam/

 Last month I donated blood for the first time. It was something I had thought about doing before, but really never made the effort. As I sat there during the donation, I was reading the posters on the walls. Each one had a picture, and then a quote from someone about why they donate. One in particular really struck me. A woman, who had never donated before, now donates regularly after her son's open heart surgery. This will be me. I have vowed to donate blood every two months (which is as often as you are allowed); and I am fortunate to have my mom, Kate, and Missy to do the same. We have standing date every two months; give blood and then go to dinner.

Please don't wait, like I did, until you or someone in your family needs blood before you donate. So many people out there needs blood everyday, and it is a gift that most everyone can give. 

Blood Drive info: 
(My appointment is for 6PM if anyone wants to get dinner before or after ;-) )

Zach and Sam's Community Blood Drive
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
2:30pm-7:30 pm
Ten Chimneys, Lunt Fontanne Program Center
S43W31575 Depot Road, Genesee Depot.

Please make your own appointment via the schedule line


  1. Emily,
    Thank you for the information. Frank just signed up and two others who read your blog.

    Charlotte is amazing. So glad she likes her snow globe.


  2. I just made appointments for Chris and I. A cool way to help celebrate Alec's birthday.


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