Charlotte has been doing really well, though the past few weeks, toddlerhood has hit full force and she has turned into trouble. No longer can I sit back and blog while she plays quietly by my feet or flips through a book in her chair.
She loves to climb. The fireplace especially, though this weekend we found out the hard way that she really loves the stairs as well (a short tumble down was our cue that we need to be better about putting up a gate, no worries, she was fine). She has been able to climb both of these things for months now, however, she now seeks them out frequently to explore new places.

And not only does she love to climb, once she is up on the fireplace, she loves to show off her standing skills followed by a few wobbly steps; all completed with a huge grin on her face.

Then, she likes to climb in the woodbox, read a book or two or empty the basket of diapers/wipes that is usually kept there, and toss everything off the end table (computers, cell phones, water bottles, etc.).

Yes, my girl is trouble. Though as much as I would like to be thoroughly annoyed by this, there is a part of me that loves to see her get into trouble, because it reminds me that even though she sports an extra chromosome, she is just as mischievous as all other one and half year-olds.
That, and how can this face ever annoy me?

Have a good week, stay out of trouble.