I am not sure what it is about summer, but my ability to keep up with this blog decreases greatly. Pretty sure it has something to do with the four little humans living in my house. My work (outside the home work that is) schedule cuts down to almost nothing, but life with my children becomes much more complicated in the summer....camps, summer school, swim lessons, speech, zoo classes...summer for this mom of four = taxi cab driver.
Here is a quick catch up of the last month in pictures (with a few captions).
Baby boy comes everywhere with us. |
We spent Father's day visiting a local petting zoo. Best dad ever. |
Dinner date with my girls while the boys went to baseball. |
Trying on flower girl dresses for Aunt Keri's wedding this fall. Both girl's loved it. |
First pedicure. Katherine: "Mom, we need to do this more often." |
Jack's teething (finally, 14 months finally got a tooth, or four!). Those baby books that say "children may be a little irritable while teething"....they haven't met Jack....a little?!?! |
Annual 4th of July pic. It's a keeper. |
A lot of these pictures were on Instagram; I apologize for the repeats. I tend to post there more frequently as it is quick and easy to do. Feel free to follow me (ekc80) if you would like more frequent updates. Thanks for checking in, enjoy your July!