Monday, June 6, 2011

A great party, indeed.

The party was a hit.The birthday girl had a blast, as did the rest of us.


Some say "why go to the trouble of throwing a huge party for a 1-year old? she won't even remember it!"


Let me tell you, even though we were celebrating Charlotte's birthday, the party was for all of us. For Mike and I, who endured some of the most stressful moments of our lives this year. For Katherine and Will for putting up with multiple baby-sitters and being shuttled here and there during all of Charlotte's doctor appointments, therapy, and hospital stays.


For our parents, siblings, family, and friends for all the support and prayers this year.


True, Charlotte will not remember this party. But she will be able to see the pictures and video when she is older, and be able to experience the same feelings of love and support that we felt this past weekend.


The decorations were beautiful, thanks to Kate and her creative mind. The sno kone machine was a huge hit, and Charlotte even had a chance at the bounce house (which she loved).


We are lucky.


Charlotte also enjoyed her cupcake. She ate the whole thing, savoring every bite.


And despite the hot and humid weather, she was all smiles most of the day.


Her favorite part of the gift opening was the tissue paper...


We are so grateful to our family and friends. Thank you for sharing this day with us.


Charlotte will be one of the best dressed 1-year olds this summer!


We are hopeful that Charlotte's 2nd year on this earth will be much less eventful than her first.


A special thank you to Kate and Bill for their hospitality, the party was da bomb, we truly appreciate all you do for us. (The kids especially loved the mule rides this year)


This is going to be a hard party to top, though anytime unlimited sno-kones are involved, my kids will be thrilled.

At the end of the party, I was a bit sad, knowing the day I had looked forward to for almost a year was coming to an end...


but I knew that I am in a much better place now, then I was a year ago. I am looking forward to whatever this year has in store for us...


Happy Birthday baby girl, mama loves you so very much!

*Stay tuned for a special birthday post this Thursday ;-)


  1. What a wonderful party indeed! You could feel the love throughout the day as we celebrated with family and friends! Thank you everyone for making this a special party!!

  2. awww...what a wonderful celebration!! I'm so sorry we weren't able to make the trip on Sat. I can't wait to get up there this summer and get my hands on that sweet little girl! Miss you and love ya lots!

  3. Such beautiful photos and yes, it was for you too :)


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